
“No More Short Change” by Pastor Marti Souza

Have you ever started something and not finished it? Or were you unable to finish it? Why would you start something and not finish it? These and other questions are answered in this encouraging video by Dr. Marti Souza, Senior Pastor, from Voice Of Triumph Church in Fremont, CA.

“The Kingdom Way (Part 4)” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“The Kingdom Way” (Part3) by Pastor Ron Trevino

Do you know that you have “Kingdom Authority” here on earth? In today’s video from Pastor Ron Trevino, we learn that as believers it is important for us to recognize the power, authority and rights that have been given to us as citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven! We also know that unless a man is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God. In order for us to see creditable revelations from God, we must know God, open our hearts to God and grow a relationship with Him.

“The Kingdom Way (Part 2)” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Last week we learned that the enemy of the Kingdom of God is WORRY! Worry keeps us discouraged, stagnant and paralyzed! In today’s message from Pastor Ron Trevino, we learn about the influence of the Kingdom Way. The Kingdom Way requires a spiritual rebirth. We must be reborn if we are going to tap into the authority of the Kingdom of God. When we say “I do” to Jesus, we are reborn again. When we are born again with water, we are open to see the Kingdom of God here on earth.

“The Kingdom Way (Part 1)” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“Dreams Do Come True” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Do you have big dreams for 2022? If so, what can you do now to see your dreams come true? This question is answered in today’s video from Pastor Ron Trevino. Pastor Ron inspires us to dream big! God can make our dreams come true even in the midst of adversity! God wants us to dream, take a risk, and then move towards our dreams.

“The Beautiful Season / My Beautiful Season” by Pastor Ellis Carter

“Are you in your “God appointed season” where your destiny and purpose intercept? If not, or if you don’t know, this inspirational video is for you! Today’s guest, Pastor Ellis Carter, from Happyland International Ministries, Philippines, shares his encouraging thoughts and message on how you too can claim your beautiful season in 2022.

“Before You Run” by Pastor Ron Trevino

WOW, what a powerful message shared with us today from Pastor Ron Trevino as we prepare for our “run” in 2022! Before we begin our run, we must make sure that our heart is right with God. Pastor Ron encourages us to invite God into our heart and let Him prepare us so that we can win the prize this year!

“Montaña…Meuvate!!” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“A Star Is Born” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“The Best Version of Yourself ! ” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“When you pray do you usually ask God to bless you, perhaps through healing, financial or material blessings, or something you may need or want? Don’t feel bad if this is you. Most of us do a lot of asking when we go to God during our prayer sessions. Have you ever asked this question during your prayers: “Lord, what gift can I give to you today?” Seldom do we ask God what gifts He wants from us? Pastor Ron Trevino believes that the greatest gift we can give to God is: “The best version of yourself.” There is no greater gift to God than yourself!

“I Can See Clearly Now” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“Do you know that we become mature as we experience storms during our life? God permits challenges to mature us and to grow us into a place of profoundness. He moves us forward in precision, like an arrow hitting the bullseye! Today, we learn from Pastor Ron Trevino how to live a life of precision, a life based upon strategic plans from God. God wants us to “see” friends and family in a new and different way. He wants to bring spiritual depth into our life so that we can share with others. The Holy Spirit is the lens to reveal God to us and to see what it is we need to see. The Holy Spirit gives us a viewpoint from God that enables us to see clearly! If you are a person without a vision or plan, do not despair, for God’s vision is available to you. If you have no vision, Jesus is the One to lead you, the One you need to follow, for He will give you the plan and vision.

“ThanksLiving!” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Do you know how to live for God? Has God done great things in your life? Do you have overwhelming joy in your life? If not, this video from Pastor Ron Trevino is for you! Rejoice always and give thanks to have joy in your life. Pastor Ron encourages us to live with a thankful heart. Pray continually to live a life of consistency. When you don’t pray, you react to your emotions instead of responding to your circumstances. Whether you react, because of your emotions, or respond, based on wisdom, will be determined by whether or not you pray. What is the secret to having joy in all seasons? The joy of the Lord is our strength! The unconditional love from God is our joy! Pray continually to receive the joy of Our Lord! Give thanks in all circumstances. Whether good or bad, always give thanks to Him. Walk by faith, not by what you see and experience in your life. Focus on the Presence, the Will and the Word of God at all times.

“Fight for Your Family” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Our family is worth fighting for. There is a harvest for our family if we do not give up. If you are willing to fight for your family, God will fight for you. Speak into the lives of your family, and pray that truth will penetrate the hearts of your children. Invite God into your space through prayer. There is a time that you should come together with your family, either in person or online, to pray. Make this a prayer call, 15 to 30 minutes, to pray life over one another. God said that “My house will be a place of prayer.”

It’s time for a Reset! by Pastor Ron Trevino

When you reset, God will redeem time for you. He will also reset relationships for you; to start anew. God is resetting some of you, if you asked. It is time for a spiritual, physical and financial reset for all of us. Are you ready? What choices will you have to make to get your reset? Let the Word of God penetrate your heart so you can reset. God is the one who will restore you, to remake you, to give you a refresh for your life. Your reset will start at ground zero and build you up from there. What an experience!

“Why Do You Worry?” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Worry can affect us in many ways. So why do you worry and what can you do about it? Worry does not add a single hour to your life. Worry can actually cause subtraction from your life. Instead seek Him and He can bring addition to your life. This video by Pastor Ron Trevino teaches us how and what we could do and should do about worry.

“I want to see Jesus” by Bishop George Chigwada

Today’s inspirational message from Bishop George Chigwada, Christ the Rock Ministries International, Fremont, CA is timely, appointed and anointed for those of us wanting to hear and see Jesus. Do you know His vision for you? God has created a unique vision for each of us. However, we will not receive His vision unless we have a good relationship with Him. Bishop George provides his insights by sharing the story of the blind man who could “see” by revelation. We learn from this story not to give up after we have prayed, but to continue to believe because of our relationship with Him.

“Just Do it” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“Just Do It!“ – Dayspring Commission Gathering with Pastor Ron Trevino “Do you frequently have excuses for not doing something? If so, now is your time for no more excuses! God needs people who are “go getters.” People who are impulsive will help you move forward. God blesses in your “doings” not in what is limited to only listening. God is already holding promises for what you need. These promises are based on what He has and wants for your life. To receive your promises, you need to walk by faith towards Him. Obey His Word and submit to the laws of His kingdom, then receive His promises.

“You Cannot Conquer What You’re Unwilling to Confront” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Are you ready to confront your fears? Why, because fear will hurt and hinder your faith! How does God want us to confront our fears? He wants us to admit and confess them and get our fears out into the open, into the light. God has given us a power of a strong mind so that we are ready to fight the spirit of fear. We CAN order the spirit of fear to leave our body in the Name of Jesus! What fears do you currently have in your life? Jesus is inviting each of us to overcome our fears, but we must take the first step. Are you ready?

“Power Relationships” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“Power Relationships” Do you have unity and peace within your house? If so, there is POWER in your life! Today, Pastor Ron Trevino enlightened us on “Power Relationships and Power Partnerships.” God is preparing these types of partnerships for a greater cause. God brings unity through relationships and partnerships. When you have the right partner, the harvest is great. God wants us to have partnerships with others who have the same mind and same direction.

“New Wine And The Fear Of Change” by Pastor Marti Souza

– This is the day of new wine, which means that it is time to strip off the old wine skin, change, and become flexible during our waiting time. Our pending change must be without fear for it is God who is stretching us during these turbulent times! – God has a plan. He is always ready to move upon and among us. 2020 was part of our incubation period with God. He does not leave us in the valley; He always brings us out. He is our HOPE for the changes that lie ahead. – God wants the younger generation and the older generation to work together. The young people of today carry a message for all of us. The older generation carries wisdom based on years of experiences. That’s why we need to work together to move ahead. We are all carriers of the Word of God!

“Breathe” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“Focus on your breath, focus on God! If you are feeling overwhelmed, focus on God as your breath of life! Are you bringing honor and glory to God? Are you breathing on an atmosphere of life? Use your words to speak life into your situations, and see things change. All scripture is God’s breath; life is in the Word.

“Let Go and Let God!” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“When you hold onto someone or onto something too tightly, people and things can be pulled away from you. Have you ever experienced this? You are either trusting God or leaning upon yourself. Holding on too tightly shows that you are not fully trusting God in the daily challenges you face. God wants us to trust Him. We find it is difficult to trust Him When God does not answer us on our timetable. We must be willing to wait and trust in the Lord. Our obedience is what is rewarded and is what produces the fruit. Pastor Ron Trevino reminds us that all the glory goes to God because He is the one who make things happen. He is the one who is worthy of our glory. What God is doing for us is based on what is best for Him. With the passing of time, this will become the best for us in the future. However, we must remain a willing heart.

“Harvest is Here!” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“Be Strong, Don’t Give Up” by Rev. Lee Doyle Ruud

Today we have a very special message for you from Reverend Lee Doyle Ruud who is visiting us from India, along with his wife and son. Don’t miss his words of encouragement, which are a very special gift from God for each of us.

“No Limits” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Do you welcome God into your life so that you can break from your limitations? God wants each of us to break out from our earthly limitations and push ourselves beyond our limits, to places that are not comfortable for us.

“Out-of the-Box” with Pastor Ron Trevino

God is never in a box! Are you ready to get outside of your box to experience God? If so, you need a breakthrough according to Pastor Ron Trevino as shared in this video. Jesus is the One who breaks us out of our box, our limitations, and our barriers. He is the One who must lead us and enable us. God will break open opportunity for us to get outside of our limitations, the place where we are stuck. Break open, break through and break out is what God has available for you when you are ready.

“EXPANSION” with Pastor Ron Trevino

“It’s time! If you need more blessings in your life, now is the time for your breakthrough and expansion! Your declarations need to change; declare things as if they were. Today Pastor Ron Trevino shared with us how our breakthrough is here right NOW for each of us!

“R&R” by Pastor Ron Trevino

How do you find balance in your life? Are you behind or ahead of God? How can YOU become “in step” and “in balance” with Him? If you don’t know how, this video from Pastor Ron Trevino is for you!

Don’t Miss Your Connecting Flight! by Pastor Ron Trevino

Are you ready to take a “flight” with God? If so, don’t forget your I.D. card, your boarding pass and your itinerary. You might be asking yourself, what does this have to do with God? This is all explained by Pastor Ron Trevino in this video. He explains through God’s revelations that you need to travel light, the importance on arriving on time at the airport, and not missing the destination that God has for you.

“It’s Time for an Oil Change” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Do you know that new beginnings start with endings? It’s important to allow time to mourn for our endings before beginning with the new. As we are preparing for new beginnings, God will look at the attitude of our heart before changing our “oil.” God always has an anointing ready for our next oil change!

“It’s About Time” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Key Scriptures: Ephesians 4:16, Ecclesiastes. 3:1 and 3-11, Psalms 46:10, Amos 9:13-15, Psalms 145:13 &15, Isaiah 62:8, Psalms 145:4 – What do the gears of a clock have to do with God’s revelations for you? – How can we flow together like clockwork, each doing their own part to make a movement for Our Lord? – It’s about “time” according to Pastor Ron Trevino as he shared revelations in today’s video. – Each part of the clock has its role which affects its purpose; a pause time, a redeem time, an acceleration time, and a fresh start. Which time will you choose to better your life? – God is redeeming time for you. Be wise and not foolish. Reconcile and restore when you understand the Will of God. Do what is right at the right time! – God can set our life in order; we should not not let time priorities divert attention from what God wants us to do. If you are looking for a “fresh-start” in your life, we encourage you to watch this video now! This is your opportunity to become intentional about your time and reap the fruit that is waiting for YOU!

“Your Set Time of Favor has come” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Foundational Scriptures: Psalm 102:13, Isaiah 60:1-4, Matthew 5:15-16, Luke 2:15, Psalm 4:6, and Isaiah 22:22. · Today, Pastor Ron Trevino enlightens us on God’s “favor” and its impact on us! · Now is the appointed time to show favor, time for prophetic promises to be fulfilled. Are you ready? · When the Light comes upon you, favor comes. Watch for the Light, and receive. · When favor comes upon you, God will also bring blessing to those around you. · Jesus grew in wisdom during His entire life; we too need to grow daily with Him, and then with others in our life. · Even in the space of widespread uncertainty, God wants us to prosper. · Revelation is only given after trust has been earned and established. Then favor is given by giving you keys which will open favors from God. · These keys from God will open what no man can shut, and close what no man can open; for they are from Him! · If you are seeking favor from God and your keys to open Godly favors, this video is for you! Please watch this video NOW for the favors you are seeking!

“Find your Rhythm in Life” by Pastor Ron Trevino

Foundational Scriptures: 1 Corinthians 2:9-10, 1 Corinthians 14:40 EHV, Ephesians 4:2-7, Ecclesiastes 3:11 and Philippians 4:6-9, and Proverbs 4:25-27. · Are you learning and knowing how to adapt to life’s daily changes? · When you know, you see and you hear, you are obeying Our Heavenly Father! · Today, Pastor Ron Trevino becomes our conductor in life leading us step by step in our daily life. · We learn in this video how God brings us into alignment in order to have one vision. · Can you create rhythm in your life as a disciple, a person of discipline? · There is a difference between excellence versus perfectionist; are you ready to be set free? Could you accomplish more if you were not a perfectionist? · Pastor Ron shows us how to bring harmony into our lives by following God’s Words in this powerful video.

“A Seat at the King’s Table” by Pastor Ron Trevino

God Is Calling You! Foundational Scriptures: 2 Samuel 4:4 and 9:1, Luke 15:21-27, Galatians 6:9, and Luke 14:15-23. • Pastor Ron Trevino offers HOPE for each of us in today’s powerful video. • Your harvest is already here! Apply faith to hear, see and believe what Our Lord is declaring for you. Your seat is available at God’s table! • Lord help me! Are you seeking God’s help, deliverance or provisions? Your breakthrough is on the way. Your request is granted! • God does not want us to settle for crumbs or just a little. God wants us to be at a seat at His table. No more crumbs! • The time is now, everything is ready, it is up to you to come to Him! • Do you have excuses for not coming to Jesus and joining Him at His table? • If you are growing weary and tired, Pastor Ron has prayers and answers for you in this video. All you have to do is press the “play” button. Will you be one of the many who responds and joins us at God’s table?

“Gatekeeper of Your Soul” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“Gatekeeper of Your Soul!” (“Guarding Your Garden!”) * Foundational scriptures: Isaiah 28:6, John 1:1, 2 Corinthians 2:9-11, Isaiah 55:8-9, Ecclesiastes 4:12, and 2 Corinthians 10:4-5. * Today we start a new series from Pastor Ron Trevino on the importance of guarding our soul. * Is warfare going on at your “gate”? If so, how do you deal with it in God’s way when you are tired and worn out? *Where is the greatest battle? There is a “source of strength” for those who turn back the battle at the GATE! * What if the GATE is your THOUGHTS? That is where we live most of the time and is the ONLY place where we have privacy. * Your thoughts influence your behavior, how you feel, and your emotions. Everything begins with thoughts, so don’t underestimate them and their power! We must first win the battle in our mind. If your thoughts could be getting the best of you, this video is for you! Pastor Ron encourages us to turn back certain thoughts at the gate, and he provides excellent ways to do this in this video. It requires bold actions and bold steps in the Name of Jesus! Prayer is the beginning action that we ALL must choose.

“The Four Streams” (Part 3) by Pastor Ron Trevino

Wow! From Revelation To Manifestation! ( Foundational scriptures: Genesis 2:10​ and 2:15​, Habakkuk 2:1-3) Are you looking for a biblical model or blueprint for “working” the visions that God has given to you? If so, this video is for you! God wants us to partner with Him to apply our time, talents, and treasures to get rivers flowing with provisions for each of us. Pastor Ron Trevino enlightens us on how to best manage our time to achieve God’s visions for us. The cycle for finding our gifts and visions starts with prayer. Next, write down all revelations and visions that are revealed to you. Finally, frequently read these revelations and visions out loud and follow up by taking actions that will put you on our way to receiving multiple streams of blessings! Many additional insights are shared in this video for achieving success.

“The Four Streams” (Part 2) by Pastor Ron Trevino

“The Four Streams” (Part 2) Foundational scriptures: Romans 11:29​; 88; Deut. 8:18​, Ecc. 2:26​; and Matthew 25:14​ Are you willing to partner with God ? God is preparing us now for what is yet to come. God does not want us to continue our life alone! Do you underestimate the power of the seed (gifts) God has already given to you? The gifts within us are our strengths. What are our responsibilities regarding the gifts we have already been given? Do you thank Him and praise Him? Do the gifts you received, give you joy and peace? If not, what should you do about it? These and many additional questions are answered in this video by Pastor Ron Trevino.

“Shut the Door BehindYou” by Pastor Ron Trevino

“Receive God’s Revelation Today!” Foundational scripture: 2 Kings 4: 1-7 Do you focus on what you have within you, or what you DON’T have outside of you? If God were to ask you: “How can I help you,” would you have answers ready based on your life’s plan? Today we learned from Pastor Ron Trevino that even at the end of our journey, God will always leave something for us. However, if we keep the seeds (gifts) given to us by God, that’s all they will ever be. But if we release our seed, God will enlarge these gifts as they are placed onto fertile ground through others.